
Lix is an action-puzzle game inspired by Lemmings (DMA Design, 1991) for Windows, Linux, and Mac. It's free and open-source software, placed in the public domain via CC0.

Solve over 700 singleplayer puzzles. Play real-time multiplayer. Design your own levels.

Level preview of 'Any Way You Want' by Insane Steve where several Lix are performing different actions across the level.
"Any Way You Want" by Insane Steve
Lix walking on top of the heading.


Newest version number and release notes are on the release page on github.

Lix walking on top of the heading.


Lix walking on top of the heading.


E-mail: s.naarmann at

IRC: #lix, chat in your browser.

Lix board on, I'm Simon.

I thank Carlos Orta Jr. for the design of this website!

-- Simon